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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

CONGRATS to McAlester Schools for OAS Growth!

Mc Edmond Doyle
Mc Emerson
Mc WillRogers
McAlester A2

Congratulations to McAlester Public Schools for Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) Growth in 2020-21!

Data from spring benchmark assessments of the Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) in reading and math found students in schools using OAS-aligned curriculum and assessments performing better than expected this year despite the pandemic.

At McAlester Public Schools in Pittsburg County, spring scores at all four schools using OAS-aligned benchmarks were above statewide averages in the fall and the spring and all posted above-average growth. Edmond Doyle and Will Rogers elementary schools posted the greatest growth from fall to spring at 27 percentage points with Emerson Elementary and Parker Intermediate achieving significant academic growth as well.

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Did You Know?

DYK Debo

In Oklahoma history, teacher and scholar Angie Debo used her study of Native American history to innovate new research methods that are widely used today.

Angie Debo: Pioneer in Native American History

In January 1890, Angie Elbertha Debo was born in Kansas. At the age of nine, she and her family moved to Indian Territory. They settled in the small town of Marshall, about fifty miles north of what would become Oklahoma City.

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Oklahoma School Report Cards suspended: Identifying learning gaps more critical than ever

CONTACT: Jan Barrick or Rachel Watson, (405) 842-8408, or Wendy Pratt, (405) 437-8204

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK - When the Oklahoma State Board of Education approved suspending school report card grades this school year because of the disruption of COVID-19, the context and consequences were clear to a local expert in assessment and school improvement.

“Since state test scores comprise about three-fourths of any school’s report card grade, it makes sense the state would not make A-F calculations,” explained Jan Barrick, CEO of Alpha Plus Educational Systems.

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Did You Know

dyk DRAFT2

In Oklahoma history, tourism has been central to the state’s economic development. In this story, a family races to complete a challenge and wins the game by helping a fellow traveler. 

Excerpt from “The Oklahoma Burger Trail Challenge”

One day. Seven greasy hamburgers. Over 200 miles to drive.

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Guidance for School Administrators


Here's a nice digest of 74-pages of guidance for school administrators and several great perspectives from leaders on reopening schools this fall.


"The coronavirus pandemic has erased the whiteboard for Oklahoma schools, leaving superintendents to sketch out plans for reopening with guidance from the state. What could your child’s school year look like?

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