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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

Smarter Snails and Academic Standards

Jan Barrick Articles

Thanks to the Henryetta Free-Lance for featuring our CEO, Jan Barrick, and her column about Smarter Snails and Academic Standards. No one knows Oklahoma Education like Jan!



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Free Help for Parents and Kids: Specific, Grade Appropriate Objectives


Khan Academy provides free help for parents and kids who want to study specific, grade appropriate objectives. Simply set up an account for your child, and you'll be able to track lessons and progress. Thirty minutes of work each day during the summer break can make all the difference for your child. It's not too late. Start today!

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A Simple but Powerful Class Opening Activity

Rose Thorn

Here's a good idea from the George Lucas Educational Foundation's website: comes an article by Alex Shervrin Venet.

The rose and thorn check-in is a quick strategy for building community and developing student voice.

"At the start of a recent class, my students gathered a bouquet of good news: a trip to Ireland, an end to recent car troubles, an upcoming visit with a friend. These were highlights they shared during our start-of-class routine, the rose and thorn check-in."

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Reading Drives Results for Oklahoma Schools


In our last column, we discussed fostering a love of reading by taking time to read in summer’s last days.

This week, school children have begun heading back to class.

Parents of third graders may already be thinking about the third grade reading assessment, which will be given to students next spring.  Statistically, we know that more than 80 percent of all students are capable of passing a standardized test if they are provided with the right curriculum.

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Finding a Homework Routine That Works


Back to School: Finding a homework routine that works

In most districts, the school year is underway. Often, the first few days of a new school year are spent establishing class rules and generally setting the table for a successful classroom experience.

Perhaps you’ve already met your child’s teachers, and you’ve reviewed student handbooks and class outlines with your child.

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